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Summary of upcoming blueprint:

Views: Front Top Rear Side

License: Basic License

Scale: 1:10

Units: mm | ft

Formats included (Hover over format to see versions and compatibility):




You could also add top view, dimensions, additional high-resolution JPEG/PNG, layered PSD, native CDR files etc. Contact us right after your payment to manage all the possible options.



Attention! We DO NOT offer absolutely exact blueprints. So you CAN NOT use our blueprints for engineering, repair and tuning purposes.

100% Guarantee

We produce blueprints since 2006.
Outlines Store is trusted by thousands of users.
PayPal Verified. Secure Connection.
We accept refunds: Refund Policy.



Editable Template
You could move and paint vehicle parts. Change it from black plastic to metallic or select between glasses and panels.

Actual Sizes
Our blueprints have correct sizes such as length, width and height. And have variety of relevant versions.

This blueprint would be made with vector curves and strokes so you could zoom in as much as you need in best quality.

Separate layers
for body, parts, windows, wheels, lights etc. Each blueprint could be used as lined wireframes and as a filled shapes.


Purposes and accuracy:

Our blueprints have an accuracy between 95 and 99% and are acceptable for:

Visual content (publishing, printing and website illustrations, mobile apps, infographics);

Comet Wrap blueprints (Mercury Comet wrap, paint, full body wrapping, vinyls and stickers);

3D modeling (for amateur and professional 3D artists);

Replica making (3D printing, wood, metal, paper works etc);

● Other visual purposes that require vehicle views in hi-res bitmaps, PDF or vectors.



Best drawings for you:

1960 Mercury Comet Sedan blueprint
1960 - 1963
Mercury Comet


1986 Mercury Sable Mk I Sedan blueprint
1986 - 1989
Mercury Sable
Mk I


1963 Rover P6 Series I 2000 / 2200 / 3500 / Glass Roof Sedan blueprint
1963 - 1977
Rover P6
Series I


2007 Renault Tondar 90 Facelift Sedan blueprint
2007 - 2009
Renault Tondar 90


About this Mercury Comet blueprint

This 1971 Mercury Comet V Sedan blueprint helps designers, wrap studios and 3d artists to simplify their work process, to get extra time for creative work instead of routine.

This is blueprint of Comet produced by carmaker Mercury in 1971 - 1974. It has Sedan body design and we define its vehicle class as Family.

Download this auto vector blueprint and add something special and soulful to your project. We focus on cars only and produce fine quality car blueprints (clip arts) and vector line drawings available in many vector file formats supporting by most of designer software and CAD.

Livery Designers, Sign Writers, Wrap Designers use this blueprint to create car body wrap, lettering and vinyl graphics. It’s perfectly matched with both raster and vector art software.

3D artists and studios use this blueprint for 3d design and modeling. They make 3d objects and use these ready 3d car models for 3d animation, video games, 3d renders and visualisations.

Some professional branding agencies, design identity studios and creative agencies already use our blueprints as a standard to provide better communication and emotion for their customers and clients. Try it today and upgrage your experience with Outlines.

Bulk Purchase

Get discount buying more than 10 vector blueprints, please email us to get your special offer and wholesale pricing.

Contact us

Contact us
2011 Honda Civic 9 Gen FB US Sedan blueprint
2011 - 2015
Honda Civic
9 Gen FB


2010 Hyundai Accent 4 Gen IV Sedan blueprint
2010 - 2019
Hyundai Accent
4 Gen IV


2012 Opel Astra J Facelift Sedan blueprint
2012 - Present
Opel Astra


2017 Hyundai Sonata LF Facelift Sedan blueprint
2017 - 2018
Hyundai Sonata


2007 Ford Ikon Facelift Sedan blueprint
2007 - 2008
Ford Ikon


1976 Chrysler New Yorker Brougham Mk IX Facelift Sedan blueprint
1976 - 1978
Chrysler New Yorker
Brougham Mk IX


2013 Ford Fusion 2 Gen North America (with EU bumbers - could be modified after purshase) Sedan blueprint
2013 - 2020
Ford Fusion
2 Gen


1969 AMC Hornet 4-door Sedan blueprint
1969 - 1977
AMC Hornet


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